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Sheffield to Benefit from Donation from Yorkshire Bank

27th April 2015

A charitable organisation in Sheffield has received £500 funding support through the Clydesdale and Yorkshire Bank Employee Volunteer Grant Programme.

Birley Spa Community Primary School has been awarded funding towards the cost of providing additional outside space and play equipment for the pupils to help encourage outdoor learning.

The Clydesdale and Yorkshire Bank Employee Volunteer Grant Programme funds charitable initiatives that its employees are passionate about and has awarded almost £150,000 funding in total to employees through the programme in the last year.

Employees can apply for a grant of up to £500 if they have been actively involved with local community groups in their own time for at least 12 months. This includes local charities or not-for-profit organisations such as schools, brownies, scouts or sports groups.

The funding helps the groups continue their work in the local community through the advancement of health, education, protection or improvement of the environment, participation in sport or citizenship and community development.

Jacqui Atkinson, Community Support Manager at Yorkshire Bank, said: “The Clydesdale and Yorkshire Bank Employee Volunteer Grant Programme recognises the great community work our employees are involved with outside of the Bank’s own extensive volunteering programme. Any employee that is involved in a charity or not-for-profit organisation in their own time is eligible to apply for a grant.

“We are a strongly customer focused Bank, very much committed to serving and supporting the communities we’re part of. Actively encouraging our employees to become involved in voluntary work within their own community through our grants programme is just one way we can support the valuable contribution they make in helping others.”

The employee grants are provided through The Yorkshire and Clydesdale Bank Foundation, a registered charity established by the Banks in 2008. For further information about The Yorkshire and Clydesdale Bank Foundation, people can visit

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